Saturday, 10 February 2018

Permaculture: a practical revolution

Day 2: Practical Permaculture

Permaculture appeals to me because it is a practical, well-considered, solutions-based approach to living sustainably and growing thriving food gardens. It is a hands-on and gentle type of revolution of both thinking and action.

Permaculture people walk their talk, experiment, learn by doing and by sharing ideas and knowledge.

With the risk of stating the complete obvious, remember that the principles and ethics of permaculture can be practiced in all aspects of your life and work, not just your garden.

In what ways have you been inspired by permaculture to make a practical change?

Each day or two I will post another of my 12 ‘P’s of permaculture - simple cues that remind us why we need to rethink the way we live - the big picture, and how we can do things differently.  


  1. So many ways! From the way I planned my garden and let nature do the work (as little intervention as possible, no sprays), to switching to my local farmers market for my regular shopping, to making many of my own products (soap, laundry detergent, yoghurt, face cream, ferments, sourdough), to giving up artificial fragrances and hair dye, to vastly reducing my rubbish output (especially single use plastics), to adopting a minimalist mindset when it comes to consumer products.... and more that I have forgotten at this moment. Renae
