Come walkabout with me and my good friend Wiruunga Dunggirr, (, an indigenous Aboriginal elder from the Namba Gumbaynggar Nation (around Nambuka Heads, NSW)
Listen as Wiruungga talks about plants, their uses, their healing potential, their cultural meaning and much more. He was taught by his elders from a young age and has such rich knowledge.
Yesterday we spent most of the day walking, talking, exploring together - I learnt so so much. I filmed as much as I could of our chat about plants to share with you.
We talked about many plants and roots, shoots, flowers, leaves, bark for their use as food and medicine, but also other purposes. Wiruungga and I have planned to do lots of walkabouts - there is so much to learn and share. Next week we'll be heading down to the river.
As you can imagine, I am extremely excited by these walkabouts. I love learning new things about plants every day, and I am so very keen to understand more deeply the indigenous way of knowing this land, plants, animals, but more importantly the connections between them all. The ecological perspective that Indigenous Australians have can teach us so much about how to be.
Wiruungga was invited to join the 2017 Kiva in Europe - a gathering of indigenous elders from around the world. He is invited again to Kiva 2018 in Amsterdam to continue sharing with international wisdom keepers.
Is there a question you'd like me to ask Wiruungga in our next walkabout?
Here's a previous film I made with Wiruungga.
So important to share the wisdom from our indigenous elders. Great post! Thank you