Surinam spinach is a rich source of vitamin C, vitamin E, Omega -3 fatty acids, iron, calcium, magnesium, soluble fibres (pectin), potassium, β-carotene, proteins and dietary fibre.
It's edible flower add lovely colour into the garden and as I took this photo, I was watching native bees visiting it. |
In the garden:
Last week I took a cutting and just put it straight in the ground next to my lettuce, purple basil, rocket and coriander - it has struck really quickly and has new leaves already. You could also pop it in a jar of water first until it gets new leaves. It would also work well in a reasonable sized pot filled with good potting mix/compost.
I'm really impressed, the little cutting took well, despite being very hot weather and little rain. |
It is a self-seeding plant and can spread as a patch - mine has never taken off since I always have so many uses for it's abundance.