Learning to knit is proving to be a very practical activity at our house. My daughter's first completed piece has become our milk frother cleaner - and it is very effective at doing this. I love it! Not only is it useful, but every time I use it I appreciate her efforts and feel the love of her gift.
We have seen some very fancy handmade washcloth designs on the internet (both knitted and crocheted) and aspire to this level of skill, but for now we are happy just making a relatively square-ish shape. These are a great way to reduce waste - replacing wipers that last for just a short period before being destined for the bin.
Maia is learning how to knit and crochet to participate in the Knitfestyarnbombing of Maleny, our local town on June 10-12. We have found an amazing local mentor who is helping her (I learnt how to sew well when I was young, but I have always been just a very basic knitter, and somehow missed crochet altogether). Maia is a fast learner and patient teacher (she is teaching me!!).
I anticipate there'll be some yarn-bombing of our place in preparation for Knitfest. I am looking forward to the funky colour wraps on our posts, trees, bicycles and animals soon.
Animals - yes. There are plans for the guinea pigs to have winter blankets and I just learnt that chicken capes are becoming all the rage - probably more-so in cooler climes ... but we do get frosts.
Clickety-clack, clickety clack...
The colourful new milk frother cleaner
Just the perfect size for this job.
The hand-knitted cloth cleans super well and rinses out easily.